

i realize that in many opinions, supporting or even enjoying this makes me a chauvinist. i don't really care about that. what i care about is that folks are still taking the time to make things that are both innocent and sexy.
this comes from pinuppost.com, and while it could easily be excused away because of totally retro-chic irony (costume vs. tattoo), a lot of the material on the website is modern while still containing no explicit nudity (no privies, and no funny stuff). (some of it's pretty tacky, like, suicide girls leather-and-lace shit, too, which is sort of a shame.)
bottom line being, in an internet where something like "lesbian ejaculate" could return in excess of 6 million google hits, it fills my heart with a little sunshine to see not only that this exists, but that it's popular.


Kendra Grant Malone said...

awww shucks, yer a sweetie dumpling.

noel said...

thanks, dear.

now if only my real-life actions in any way validated the opinions i'm expressing here.