

remaining within the nerdlinger vein of earlier today: in my search for c64 and amiga synth covers, i found that vangelis papathanassiou has a website. i guess that's not surprising, or maybe only as surprising as the fact that "vangelis" is one dude who has a last name; still, holy crap! the website looks like it was designed in about 1995 by someone with limited access to microsoft paint, but is updated and maintained.
the internet's a strange place.
tangentially, most of the other heavy-hitter sid composers have websites, too. check out the high voltage sid collection links page for those.
and if you have no idea what i'm talking about, the sidplayer download is worthwhile (and available through the links page linked above). a lot of this music was composed for computer games, which makes it much cooler or lamer, depending on your perspective; however, most of it's legitimately good music. plus, these dudes coded it all up from scratch. take that, house djs.

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